There Was a Moment When…🀩

August 12, 2023

There was a moment when

While sitting across from you

Sipping on sunshine and

Laughing out loud–

I felt my eyes soften when looking into yours sparkle.

And, I heard my heart whisper to me,

“Be careful, my darling. I could like him.”

I could like you.

Just because.

For reasons that don’t matter what I give.

Just a simple act of faith in

The pleasure of shared moments and

The beauty of a setting sun.

I remember that moment now

Seen even more clearly from a distance

Even if

At the time

It was a bit soft, fuzzy and out of focus.

Still, there was a moment when

In that liminal space between us

I felt wholly light and free to feel

All that was in my heart–

In that fleeting moment just

Before I let you steal a kiss from me.

There was another moment when

(As I quietly drove away)

I thought out loud to my heart,

“I wish for him to know peace and joy in his heart…even in the struggles he shares with whom he most deeply loves…with or without me for reasons that don’t matter.”

With love and gratitude,

NZain πŸ¦‹

Living Within the Tension of Love and Fear. πŸ’–πŸ¦‹πŸ˜³

August 6, 2023

The true self

Locked away within

In the center of the center of the center your heart.

The false self

Holds the key.

To keep you safe and protect that which you hold dear

For fear–you build walls around


Even fear desires love

So strong is the attraction for

Wholeness. For becoming One.

And love also desires to hold fear

Carefully. Tenderly, with understanding and compassion in

His hands as one holds a butterfly

Knowing–she is free to fly away.

God created the butterfly to be exactly as she is.

Beautiful. Fragile. Fleeting.

A memory deep within–

Psyche remembering her true self.

Confession is to tell the truth.

I am frightened.

I am frightened.

I am frightened.

Until the truth abiding within your heart

Weeps for the pure

Joy of forgiveness!

Here am I! Always I am. With you. Be as an innocent lover and let the warmth of my light penetrate deep within the darkness of your uncertainty–and know. Become settled within and cast your net of doubts upon Me! Catch me.

I set you free and I am the One to whom you can safely return. Always.

Fly away and become

All that I created

You to be.

Taste the sweet nectar of life and then–again and again–return and be continually renewed for I AM the strength and refuge of your heart.

To live within the tension of

Love and Fear is

To be


With love and gratitude for all of life.

Nina πŸ¦‹

Fly AwayπŸ¦‹

Friday August 4, 2023

To those who were victimized by those who knew not what they did–yes, we were humiliated. And (being brought down low) when on bended knees, we touched the earth, feeling deeply into our own true nature–we understood.

Rise up now in true humility.

Trust in your wings to unfold and open up into true Joy!

Fly away…and know

Where your Spirit lands is Holy land and Sacred ground.

Imagine a world where those who were victimized by those who knew not what they did come to understand…and fly away.



Thank you, BD for being a part of mine. πŸ’–

Adelpha Californicaβ€”fly away, Beloved Sister!

A New Intention βœ¨

July 9, 2023

“An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.”

Proverbs 31:10

Today I set a new intention moving forward:

Lord, I was lost.

You found me–shattered.

You bind me back and

Make me whole again.

I remember my true worth is more valuable than any diamond ring.

No man can give this to me. No man can take this away.

Abiding in You alone, I open my heart and tenderly receive correction, encouragement and hope from the Holy Spirit who abides in each and every one of your children. Including me.

May these words be of comfort to anyone in need and to You be the glory. Always, in the Spirit of Joy and the Love of Christ Jesus…who sweat blood for us. Amen.

Thank you for your love and supportive comments. Always.

Nina ✨

John Chapter 20πŸ™

May 4, 2023

Continued from It’s About to Get Real Personal πŸ’–

One sits amongst the thorns weeping

Vulnerable in her grief…Jesus comes in peace.

Another hides locked away

Grieving. Anxious and afraid…yet Jesus still comes in peace.

Does it matter how we grieve?

Or simply that

We grieve.

The way to freedom is the same for all.

Be still.

Be transformed.


To be continued.

©️NZain 🌷

It’s About to Get Real Personal πŸ’–

April 23, 2023

There are amongst us, (certain)

Individuals who

Because of adverse childhood experiences and

Patterning; learned to

Create “artificial conflict” in their intimate relationships–

As a way of maintaining a safe distance between themselves and their partners.

This is of course to protect their own self interests.

In these never-ending conflicts

There is no hope of healthy resolution.

No repairing of tears.

No coming together in solidarity for the purpose of

Deepening the connection and strengthening the bond.

No understanding.

No compassion.

No authenticity or trust.

No. Real. Joy.

As for the person on the receiving end of this crazy-making behavior?

This is my personal story. These are the hard lessons I learned through life, love, death and divorce. Perhaps you can relate.

To be continued…

©️NZain 2023 πŸ’–

As always dear reader, your comments, insights and criticisms are respectfully welcome here.

I Am Not The Source…✨

February 26, 2023

I am not the source. The Source is within me. If you look to me, I will only reflect back what is already inside of you.

Turn within, towards your heart and sense the same Spirit given to us all by Christ Immanuel (my Beloved brother) Jesus who knew the pain of a heart broken by betrayal and also the enduring love of forgiveness who said, “Forgive one another…”

There is one who would, in your grief and a hopelessness, offer you a cloak of shadows to cover your pain and hide your broken heart from God. This is a lie. For we are told God is near the broken hearted…

…within our hearts calling to us, “My beloved son! My beloved daughter! Here am I always with you! Never will I leave you.”

Who can hide from God?

Take off the cloak, give it back to the devil and say, “Here is your shadow-self returned to you and for a little while rest quietly in the darkness until even you are returned to the Source of Light that is All loving and All forgiving.

We are all a part of the story of mankind and of human kindness; held forever in the mysterious hands that create, sustain and destroy in order to create again and again…and again.

Sense your own mysterious hands touching the broken heart of another. Sense the sharp edges that cut deep through the layers upon layers of pain. Hold this pain tenderly, softly just as you yourself are being held. Stay with the pain…sense The God who has the power to heal within you loving wholeheartedly!

All loving and All forgiving.

I am not the source. The Source is within me. Always near calling my name, “Turn within towards Me that I may shine My Light on your face and you may reflect My Love and forgiveness onto the broken-hearted that they may also re-turn towards Me!”

Past the shadows

Through the pain

Into the place where

Love calls us each by name–

“Here I am waiting for you to receive All that I have to give you! My Child, open your hands…”

Enter in.


In the Center of the Center…πŸ’˜

February 19, 2023

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart–these O God you will not despise. Psalm 51:17

In the center of the center

In the center of your heart

Is a place so secret where

Love is revealed.

In this meeting place where

Matter joins with Spirit

In the center of the center

In the center of my heart

I know that I know

The face of God is revealed

Everywhere and to everyone who seeks deep

Within the center of their center in the center of their hearts.

Says the Lord:

I will put my law in their center and write it over their hearts; and I will be their God and they will be my people. Jeremiah 31:33

NZain 🌱

In Between Your Words…

January 29, 2023

In between your words and

The meaning left behind them–

I took a trip around the world landing in

Exactly the same spot!

Who said,

“You’re broken!

And as for being “unredeemable”

I am here to tell you,

You’re loved.”

Beyond measure. Perhaps beyond reason. But

That’s the beauty of love! Love doesn’t need a reason.

Maybe that’s why we’re so afraid of love…we can’t control what

Love does or doesn’t

Do. We’re powerless over love…and so

We grieve when we think love is lost. But

How can love ever be lost when love

Is right here right now always transforming moment by

Moment in the space between your words and their meaning;

We are never separated from LOVE! Ever.

And yet…in this pain so deep and unspeakably real; there is a

Profound truth and beauty in grief.

When I say the words, “I love you” I mean that

I hold your pain close to my heart as a tiny creature to be cared for.

Do you get the picture?

I also long to hear the same words “I love you” from someone who

Means what he says…but maybe that’s just too much to ask of another.

I asked God to hold my pain. And

This is how I say to you will full confidence,

You are loved.”
