A New Intention ✨

July 9, 2023

“An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.”

Proverbs 31:10

Today I set a new intention moving forward:

Lord, I was lost.

You found me–shattered.

You bind me back and

Make me whole again.

I remember my true worth is more valuable than any diamond ring.

No man can give this to me. No man can take this away.

Abiding in You alone, I open my heart and tenderly receive correction, encouragement and hope from the Holy Spirit who abides in each and every one of your children. Including me.

May these words be of comfort to anyone in need and to You be the glory. Always, in the Spirit of Joy and the Love of Christ Jesus…who sweat blood for us. Amen.

Thank you for your love and supportive comments. Always.


Author: NZain


16 thoughts on “A New Intention ✨”

      1. Several times I aborted an attempt at a higher degree and licensing to do what I had chosen and was called for. A required class was a speech class. I loved the class, but I dropped it because I just didn’t have in me to go through what seemed like a redundancy, for I already had taken these courses. In that Classe, something was disclosed. “50% of our identity is given to us by other people.” This makes since because we are SOCIAL creatures. We are not badger (Like a honey badger…immune to most poisons from scorpions and cobras for example and hunt alone). We are not bears or moose. We are HUMAN!

        I was a gregarious child; wild, loving and hugged just about anyone that would be hugged. I was into EVERYTHING; no stopping me. Extroverted. The “Others” who were like me because I came from them; they multiplied. I’m a factor of multiplication and division, and adding and subtracted. 50% of who I am came from others. They multiplied in me. In this, we all, also, represent each other. In theory, we all know one another quite well. 50% of me came from you.

        Now, I’m introvert; intolerant and withdrawn. I fear shadows…or did (still do) I beat myself up constantly…or did…well, still do just NOW I UNDERSTAND MORE…and taking back my choice about and contrary to the Others’ 50% because they taught me how to self destruct if I didn’t reflect them the way they saw themselves. I never got it. I saw myself in them so easily. Christ really hate hypocrisy. It’s biblical. Right there in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

        I think that’s where a lot mistakes have been made with children. NOT TAUGHT TO MAKE CHOICES while the child’s stollen choices is dangled above and out of reach; then punished reaching for them. Choices is so important because it’s written in. It’s crippling to have such a fundamental power over our own life left undeveloped during the time when it’s easier to learn. It’s harder the older we get…but maybe more valuable if we get, finally, even as older.

        Here’s what childhood conditioning looked to me – “You made choice! Look at this mess you made, and every choice has a messy side. That’s the first consequence…THE MESS, now here is the rest of it (PAIN…EVERY LEVEL PAIN THAT EXTENDS WELL BEYOND THE TRIGGERING CONSEQUENCE…beyond that to the extent it overshadows ALL CHOICE…ALL LIFE. The gregarious loving extroverted child is hobbled for the rest his life. She might as well have been born with one leg well too short, And he might as well have been born with only 4 fingers and no thumbs…and deaf in one ear because his mother slapped him over that ear for not listening.

        50% of our self perception is given by others. 100% of life writes on our hearts and in our minds 50% of the truth of who we are and what we are. And when we finally understand what God is trying to tell us about the Truth Through all of it (and much of it is SUFFERING), then we truly have a choice. IT’S A PARADOX for those types that go where angels fear to tread, and should any brave this…they naturally want to share what they learn; to be a 50% that seeks to heal what was broken in so many.

        I have a new intention, too, Nina. I want to blameless like Jesus was. So, I want to stop blaming life. I need to example this because I am a Christian (Christ Within). And Christ Says “Stop Blaming so you can be blameless…like me.”

        Then Little me comes out; firecracker little me from so long ago. He can’t sit still; wants to love and be loved by everyone to make up for 50% of what life taught him; how to hate, be angry, control input and output…stay small, quiet so that explosions are far more entertaining and distracting from the general misery in the ambient environment…which is painful, ugly and mean…and careless. Little me will not abide by that. It’s wrong! Period,

        and yet…conditions and conditioning. I’m still me according to what other’s think and believe. I’m still only 50% me, and I’m 50% others. And being blameless like Jesus, I can see him in the 50% that is not me. It still hurst! Nothing changed except I see life, and I think it is more valuable than diamonds and sapphires.

        Like you, Nina! You are wholly priceless. Rare. You’re the angel that dared go where others would not and could not. Here you are. PERFECTLY WHOLE because 50% of you is every other person. You know man. Just admit it. And be you! 100% whole YOU!


  1. Every heart beat on the planets supports who YOU are, Nina – what you are and who you are here for; who we are ALL here for. God…as life. We understand life. You understand God.

    I think you are so excellent with helping people understand Life!

    DO NOT FORGET TO COUNT YOUR OWN HEART. It is a Tiponi for your Timpani


      1. Just remember that all that Jesus SUFFERED THROUGH was what man did to him for being…HIM. AND it really truly could have been different. And so NOW we make a difference by knowing ourselves; our best selves after living a “Christ Like” life. Jesus was a perfect example. But times are different. And Jesus is still “The Life” and “The Light.” It’s all right there written on and in your heart just the way your life wrote it. You are such a GOOD RIGHTER and WRITER! OH MY GOD! I have loved your work for years now!!! LOVED IT! SUCH GOOD WORKS! STILL LOVE IT!! You are known by your works. (laughing joyously)

        Peace my dear Sister in Christ.


      2. RD…you always make me see things in a different way. “…SUFFERED THROUGH…”
        It’s too easy for us to get stuck in our suffering and not see that there is actually another side through the THROUGH.

        On the other side of suffering is joyous laughter. But—and here is the tricky part—we have to go through the suffering to get to the other side. Jesus shows the way…loving our neighbors as ourselves. Oh but we get stuck at “ourselves” and trapped there! And still things could be different.

        Keep loving my dear Brother in Christ. Without your love and support this would be a lonely place. ✨


      3. PS: TAG! YOU’RE IT! PLAYING TAG IS LIKE…ONE OF THE FIRST GAMES WE LEARN TO PLAY AS CHILDREN. “Tag! You’re it!” (running away as fast I can; laughing…giggling and also secretly hoping I get tagged again ’cause it’s fun to run and chase, and all we are sharing is our childhood joy.

        “Tag! YOU ARE IT!” SISTER, We share Christ! Your the best tagger! LOL But I run FAST!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice to see you again Nina! Yes, you are so right, much more value than any jewel. Much more precious than anything. Keep looking to Jesus and drawing close to Him. Have a beautiful week Nina!😊🖐️😻

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Not very warm here these days, highs only in the low 60s, though we have had it up over a 100 a few times too back in June. We even had a tornado warning this afternoon.😬🙀


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