Couldn’t Have Said it Better Myself!

October 9, 2020

Hi Friends! In response to my previous post I Have No Defense Against Mean People, I received a delightful reply from the mysterious ICU and wanted to share with you as it made me smile–I hope it makes you smile too!

Be well, stay safe and I wish you all a peaceful weekend.


I am sorta glad you chose the word “Mean.” Have you ever looked up the word’s definition? OMG! The word itself is a journey of…”meaning.”

Mean people…how to deal with “Mean” people. (?) “Mean” as a homonym

“Mean people are cruel because they are petty and base (mean = petty and base).”

“The average person has a number of virtues as their mean. (Mean = average or baseline).”

When some one says “Mean People,” what comes to my mind is literally “the average person has a base nature. What’s in one is in all.” Meanness is human…particular to us with conscience and consciousness.

I can not say I love my own base nature. I see in myself every primer
for good and bad, and both have been ignited in me. I love people, and I have a tempter. I care deeply, but I’m quick to defend with “I don’t give a shit (care).”

I think the best people always strive within themselves to answer the question you posed. I’ve just expressed as far as I’ve come to answering it for myself. I’ve asked this same question through the decades…this is as far as I’ve gotten. I don’t feel it is a true answer.

Do you know what I mean?

I believe that further inquiry is needed, and I believe my next direction will be to explore the role of true and honest empathy…and its role in forgiveness. Ironically, I seek meaning for such things. It is my passion. There are so many that have gone much further, and so I feel I am the meanest of my ilk.

Much love to you in this shared human challenge.

I mean that.

Reprinted with permission from ICU.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts here with me. I continue to learn so much from each of you and always my heart is filled with gratitude for “this shared human challenge”. 🙏🏻

Author: NZain


8 thoughts on “Couldn’t Have Said it Better Myself!”

    1. Hi Steve! I’m ready for this smoke to clear. It’s been a month now with little relief. Uhhg. Sigh…rain coming. Thanks for visiting and making me smile. It helps. 🥴🖐😺

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a long time for sure. Rain should be a nice change for you. We’re going to get quite a bit of rain over the next few days as the temp drops once more. We had a nice warm day today, but the north wind is blowing strong and the temp is dropping fast. No more warm days until spring now. Sigh. Hope you have a good weekend!😀🖐😸


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