49 thoughts on “My Heart’s Desire💞”

  1. Wow❤️You are so brave, I love it. Such a nice and calm voice to listen to. (I think I can say that in English, I hope you understand me).
    Happy new beginnings❤️Lovely words…
    I hope you are well.
    Enjoy your day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. 🙏🏻. Yes, I understand you just fine, Lillian. I appreciate you listening and offering your kind words of encouragement.
      I too hope you are well! 💞
      Nina 🙂

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  2. Wow you have such a gorgeous voice, forgot to mention that last video I watched 😍. Love this clip, something so primal about breathing. Simply existing in the moment, syncing and being in rhythm with each other. Love this!!⭐️😊💗

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yea it can be amazing, have you done much yoga changing? I know you did a lot of yoga in India right, and practice daily? Love the feeling of humming can be pretty powerful😊. I always forget to focus on breathing but it’s so important!


      2. Yes, we spent five years living and studying yoga in India. A great experience—truly a blessing. We still maintain a daily practice. Even more important as we get older! Yes, it is difficult to focus and remember to breathe—to stay present. It’s a practice. A lifelong practice…
        I’ll write more about our yoga practice together.
        Thank you for visiting and spreading your light here. Lovely to know you are out there in the world being a beautiful blessing. 💫💞💫💞💫

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      3. Awe that’s such a lovely thing to say⭐️❤️.

        Wow India must have been amazing! I’d love to study yoga there! I lived in Sri Lanka whan I was younger and went to India once, but it must have changed so much. Would love to study there. So luck to meet someone like you! You’re very cool🧘🏻‍♀️. You seem to have broken free (compared to most, no one I guess can be completely free) of the trapping and confines of society. I love it! Have you read Robert Frost’s the road not taken. Just popped into my head 💗😊

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh gosh Robert Frost! Yes, in high school—not sure it made any real sense to me then—hehe—maybe. I certainly have traveled a long and dusty road over the years! Met incredible people along the way too!

        I’ll post more about India coming soon…
        Our time there was amazing. All of it! So grateful. Sri Lanka? Wow. Cool! Learning more about you…please share. As I am also lucky to have met you!
        And all because of Elon (and Sarnia) I don’t forget this. :). I always keep them in my prayers—send good energies.

        Me cool? 🥰. Takes one to know one! Yea-breaking free—everyday. I think we only completely break free when we leave the body. But until then, we practice and we see glimpses of freedom—and it encourages us to keep going. It IS possible—for anyone and all of us. No matter how dark it seems. No matter this life—or the next? (Still reading Dante’s Divine Comedy—even in Hell God is there for those who seek) There is ALWAYS hope. I truly do believe this. Never give up hope.

        Ok time for us to get on the mat and practice—keep this old bod moving! Sending love your way….💞💫💞💫💞💫.

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      5. Wise words and I agree😊😊

        Love to hear all about India 💗😊. I’m sure you had some amazing experiences! Enjoy your yoga, I need to get back into it too🙈.


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      6. Right! So amazing. I’d love to do barefoot yoga on grass. Apparently there is a connection between the soul and “sole” of the foot. In fact on acupuncture the way afe a really important region. I think it would be amazing connecting with nature in that way. (A bit random I know😜💗😊).

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      7. Mmmm…sure…soul, sole connecting with the earth’s soul…something to think about…I’m going to go outside right now, barefoot in the back yard to go look at the moon…teehee…I love randomness…and connect. Have a beautiful day, beautiful friend. 😊💞

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Enjoy lovely! Wish I was there😜. I have a park across the street, but people would stare if I started roaming bare feet. 😕 sometimes I skip my shoes off and feel the grass a little though. A lady sometimes sings Chinese opera by the lake and I lurk iaround listening hehe. Enjoy the moon! I know I love the moon so much ⭐️😊

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Yes, people will stare…just watch out for poop! Hehe. Chinese opera sounds lovely! Remember Neil Simon’s Barefoot on the Park?


      10. 😊💞😊💞😊 full moon and partial lunar eclipse today. Doing better than well…
        Always I’m smiling when you visit 😊. Good vibes going your way….

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  3. Another beautiful recording Nina! You can actually sense the moment as you speak, just wonderful! You are certainly great with your recordings, including your previous ones, wish I was good with technology! But it hates me! Have a wonderful day!😁🌞😸

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Technology and I are slowly making friends. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed this. It’s good therapy for me.
      I’m watching dragonflies emerge out of the water in our fountain. Have you ever seen them take shape? Wow! Creation is truly magnificent. See if I can get some photos….
      Enjoy your day too! 🌈

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow, I have never seen dragonflies emerging like that, it would be fantastic, do try and get pictures!! I don’t know if technology and I will ever be friends, I think we have a truce at the moment, though my printer still refuses to cooperate properly.😂😂😹😹I just don’t dare try anything too different!😁

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      2. Good morning, Steve. Sad news….they didn’t make it. They don’t all make it. But it’s ok—more will. :). I was able to capture a few interesting photos.
        You don’t dare, my friend? Hmmmm….says the world traveler? No problem—baby steps….😊🙃😊

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      1. I shared My Heart Desire and disabled comments on my blog so everyone will come see your blog! It’s such a place of beauty to the soul ❤ Blessings to you sweet friend 🙂

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      2. 🙏🏻. I’m about to go in and record now—but 😊 I’m all chocked up reading your comments. Ok, take a deep breath in….exhale. Thank you, kind warm hearted friend. 💞

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Aww you keep on doing what you feel let to do. If I’ve learned anything in this journey it’s to not stop sharing. There’s always someone that needs to hear what you have to share. I think it’s tender so crying and deep soul searching love is felt when you share. I felt it immediately. You are amazing always know this ❤ Can't wait to see what you share next. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you for this gentle reminder. I just posted so please enjoy! And thank you again for sharing on your blog. Have a beautiful Independence Day.
        Your friend, Nina 🙂

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      5. I love that you called it Independence Day that’s a beautiful way of saying it. We should always celebrate our Independence I feel. 🌸💕💜 I love what you are doing. I’ll be right over to see your latest creation. 🌸💜💕

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